Webinar: The story of the elephant Madala - seeking solutions for biodiversity

Madala, a life-size elephant made of wool and iron, on display at the Franco-Mozambican Cultural Center (CCFM) after leaving the Niassa Special Reserve, symbolizes the fight against poaching and hope in conserving ecosystems.
Come and discover the story of this elephant built from recycled poaching materials.

Come to Live

TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2024
4pm (MOZ)





Paula Ferro is the co-creator of Madala. After studying biology in Montpellier and ethnoecology at the Natural History Museum in Paris (France), where he specialized in the study and resolution of conflicts between humans and wild animals, he worked for 3 years in the Pantanal (Brazil) before moving to the Reserve Specially from Niassa, where she has lived and worked since 2006. In 2020, she founded “Yao Crochet”, an income-generating project in the community of Manhure that allows women to become economically independent through knitting crochet duvets.

Eduardo Quive is a writer, journalist, editor and cultural manager. He has dedicated himself to cultural journalism since 2012 and has worked in newspapers, magazines and television. He edits “Radar”, the newsletter for the Maputo Fast Forward festival, writes for Índico magazine and coordinates communications for the Fernando Leite Couto Foundation. He was editorial director of the magazine “Literatas” and is co-founder of the platform for Mozambican authors and publisher Catalogus. He is the author of the books “Mutiladas”, “Para Onde Foi os Vivos” and “Lágrimas da Vida Sorrisos da Morte” and co-author of “Brasil & África – Laços Poéticos”, two volumes of “Contos e Crónicas Para Ler em Casa” and “The Abyss at Our Feet”.