People with disabilities face additional challenges in preparing for and responding to climate disasters in the country. This situation mainly arises from their exclusion from decision-making processes and from plans and policies that address and prevent the destruction caused by natural calamities.
This finding comes from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which has created the USAID RECADO project to help combat this issue. According to USAID, the project will strengthen the resilience of people with disabilities and the involvement of Organizations of People with Disabilities (OPDs) in climate change actions through advocacy efforts at all levels of government, the production and dissemination of inclusive information, and capacity-building activities focused on inclusive climate change.
The initiative, which runs until 2026, focuses on the provinces of Maputo, Nampula, and Sofala, and is implemented in partnership with the Forum of Mozambican Disability Associations (FAMOD), the Mozambican Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (ACAMO), the Mozambican Association of People with Disabilities (ADEMO), government structures, and other civil society organizations.
USAID notes that the activity will, for example, improve inclusive emergency preparedness and climate change systems in the country and empower people with disabilities through the production of inclusive TV programs, educational videos, and podcasts on Disability Inclusive Climate Action (DCA).