The results of a recent survey on employability in the country, released last week in the capital, reveal that the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) is the institution that places the most young graduates into the job market.
Engineering stands out as the field with the highest employability rate, while Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities face lower demand.
The study, conducted between 2017 and 2019, included 2,100 final-year students from the six largest universities in the country: Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), Pedagogical University (UP), UniZambeze (Beira), Catholic University of Mozambique (UCM), A Politécnica, and São Tomás University of Mozambique (USTM).
It covered 27 faculties and 106 different courses, with a representative sample of final-year students by gender and field of study, including Education, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Agriculture, and Health.
According to the survey, the majority of graduates who found employment are not working in their respective fields of study. Additionally, the private sector is identified as the largest employer, following the Health and Education sectors, surpassing the public sector.
The survey also found that, on average, university graduates have a more privileged profile compared to the majority of young Mozambicans.
A significant portion of the graduates come from urban families with a relatively high level of education and permanent employment. After graduation, about 40% of the graduates found employment, with UEM leading the way, accounting for 43% of the employed young people.