Health and wellness

Mozambique strengthens health surveillance
23 de October, 2024Photo: MISAU In a crucial moment for public health in Mozambique, the National Institute of Health (INS) is leading a meeting of experts in Maputo aimed at refining strategies to address the growing threats of influenza and other respiratory pathogens. Over four intensive...
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Discovery of microRNA wins Nobel Prize for...
7 de October, 2024Foto: Divulgação The 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to the duo Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun for the discovery of microRNA and its role in post-transcriptional genetic regulation. Thomas Perlmann, secretary of the Nobel Assembly, announced the award...
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Pharmacists long for a professional order to...
4 de October, 2024Foto: Freepik World Pharmacist Day, celebrated on September 25, often overlooked or even forgotten, was marked this year by a bold and urgent proposal: the creation of a professional order to defend the interests of Mozambican pharmacists. The proposal emerged during a...
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Advances in blood cancer treatments
5 de September, 2024Cientistas conseguiram, pela primeira vez, produzir células estaminais do sangue humano em laboratório, um avanço que poderá revolucionar o tratamento de cancros como a leucemia e o linfoma. Estas células, derivadas do próprio paci...
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Climate change affects mental health
22 de August, 2024A compreensão segundo a qual a saúde mental é fundamental para o bem-estar geral motivou especialistas a se reunirem em seminário organizado pela associação Sekeleca U Phatima, na cidade de Maputo. Moderado por Felicidade Juliana C...
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In search of cholera solutions
16 de August, 2024Moçambique enfrentou recentemente o maior surto de cólera dos últimos 20 anos. Este é um alerta para que todos os actores sociais se unam e combatam a doença. Este foi inclusive um dos consensos alcançados na 1ª Conferência Internacional s...
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Interoperability transforms birth registration
7 de August, 2024Photo: MISAU The government recently launched interoperability between the Hospital Data Management Module (MGDH-Births) and the Electronic Civil Registry and Vital Statistics System (e-SiRCEV). This initiative aims to provide real-time electronic data on births in public...
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Elcídio Baltazar: Reducing screen time
25 de July, 2024Photo: Elcídio Baltazar There is no way to ignore it. Technology is an integral part of our daily lives, making its conscious and balanced use essential for strengthening mental health. Although these tools offer considerable benefits, such as access to information and...
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