As part of the celebrations of the 5th Centenary of the Birth of Camões, the Portuguese Language Centers – Camões, located at the Pedagogical University of Maputo and the Eduardo Mondlane University, will hold the Camonian Olympics this Saturday between 9:00 am and 10:30 am.
This activity consists of carrying out an online test composed of questions that test competitors' knowledge of the life and work of Luís de Camões.
Through the Camonian Olympics, the aim is to encourage knowledge about Camões' life, promote a reflective stance on the writer's work and literary legacy and develop a taste for literature and literary studies.
Participation in the Camonian Olympics is open to Mozambican students of all education levels, through the following access link to the test: https://forms.gle/kADYYZefkosW6qCE8
The winners will receive monetary prizes and bibliographic material worth a total of 18,000.00 meticais, distributed among the first three classified.