Nunes Mazivile recently launched “Environmental Management: The Path to Achieving Sustainable Development,” a book designed as a valuable resource for research and education, with potential use in academic settings as well.
The primary goal of the book is to encourage reflection, knowledge, and the practice of environmental management as a collective responsibility. “Environmental management should be understood as a duty of the entire society, not just of specialists or the government,” stated the author.
Mazivile believes that raising awareness and education are crucial for promoting sustainable practices that benefit both the environment and the community.
One of the most exciting revelations by Mazivile is that the book will be translated into English later this year. This initiative aims to expand its reach in countries such as Botswana, Seychelles, and Germany.
“The translation will allow the knowledge and practices discussed in the book to reach a broader and more diverse audience, promoting environmental management in a global context,” he commented.
The release of the book comes at a time when discussions on sustainability and environmental protection are increasingly urgent. The author hopes to make a significant contribution to sustainable development and to the formation of a more conscious and responsible society.
(By Renaldo Manhice)