Mozambican writer Pedro Pereira Lopes has been awarded the Imprensa Nacional/Vasco Graça Moura 2024 Prize for his poetry book "Tratado das Coisas Sensíveis".
The author describes the work, to be published in Portugal, as intimate and profound, and that it addresses human experiences and the art of words.
Pedro Pereira Lopes dedicated the award to the late Fernanda Angius, a friend and mentor: "She would be very happy with this award".
Established by the Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda (INCM), in Portugal, the annual award pays tribute to Vasco Graça Moura and promotes the Portuguese language and culture. It recognizes unpublished works in the areas of poetry, essays and translation.
In the 2024 edition, an honorable mention was also given to André Craveiro, with the book "A Vocação Nómada das Cidades".
(By MozaVibe)