Strategies for a successful new year

\"\"Whenever a new year arrives, many dreams and goals are put on the table. There is a belief that the new year brings with it new opportunities and doors can be opened for plans to finally come to fruition.

What is certain is that, to achieve your goals, you need to dedicate time, energy and be realistic about everything you want to achieve in the new 365/6 days. No year changes anyone\'s reality if, for example, attitudes remain the same.

There is no magic formula for a successful year and for achieving all your goals, but you can take greater control of your path and review the objectives you have set whenever necessary. Here are some tips for a successful New Year:


Reflecting on the past year

The best thing about the end of the year is that you\'re already prepared to go into reflection mode. Reflection means having visibility of what has worked, what needs to be improved or what no longer has a place in our lives and should be \"abandoned\". In this process, it\'s important to be realistic and understand what attitudes and behaviors have contributed to the success or otherwise of certain objectives.


Draw up a concrete plan.

After reflecting on the past year, it\'s time to set new goals and redefine strategies. No illusions. It\'s based on making a projection for the following 12 months. This planning serves as a point of reflection for defining what to expect in the coming year. This planning should include the annual goals in summary form and, if for some reason they cannot be achieved, they should become a priority in the following month.


Setting deadlines

It helps to define the specific time for carrying out a task, which makes the objective more concrete and tangible.

We must be aware of the feasibility of the proposed deadline and that this criterion must be flexible enough not to become demotivating. This is where the creation of SMART objectives comes into play (setting a deadline complements the thinking that began with planning).


Know your limits.

Physical, financial and resource limits (including time, of course) must be known to set goals and objectives. Framing yourself within this framework has the main function of avoiding the feeling of frustration if a goal is not met.


Create a new habit.

Many people abandon their goals because they start off strong and then break the routine. Goals are achieved through habits, so this new year think about the habit that will help you achieve your goals. It\'s the small but continuous steps that make it possible to achieve larger and more important goals. Once you\'ve identified a new habit, it\'s important to dedicate at least a month to consolidating this daily habit, recording your progress.


Give up excuses.

Excuses are limiting. They lead you to think that there is always some reason or someone to blame for unsuccessful plans. To achieve your goals, it\'s important to let go of excuses and take charge. Without abandoning excuses, we are prevented from truly growing. No one will pursue our goals in our place.


There are no universal rules for successful planning. To achieve your goals in the short, medium and long term, you need strategies to help you do so. Some authors such as Pareto, Clegg and Chaves have dedicated themselves to studying and designing auxiliary methodologies to be used based on personal management style, considering discipline to be an obligatory key factor for success.