Workshop on Digital transformation in Mozambique gains new momentum with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), which, in partnership with the Italian government, is financing the implementation of the “Digital Flagship for Africa” project, with a budget of US$100 million (around 6.3 billion meticais).
This project is part of the Mattei Plan, a broader programme that aims to stimulate development in Africa. In the initial phase, in addition to Mozambique, the initiative covers three other countries: Senegal, Ivory Coast and Ghana.
The official presentation of the initiative took place recently in Maputo, during the “Workshop on Systems Thinking for Digital Transformation”, and was led by Mauro Draoli, from the Italian Digital Agency.
According to Draoli, Mozambique was chosen to be part of the project due to the need to strengthen technology incubators in strategic sectors of the government and the private sector. The aim is to create an environment favourable to the growth of startups and digital capacity building, deepening cooperation between Mozambique and Italy in this area.
The “Digital Flagship for Africa” aims to modernise digital public services, reduce the digital divide and strengthen the technological capabilities of institutions.
As part of this project, several public institutions involved in the country’s digital transformation were selected. The aim is to understand the challenges of the sector, identify opportunities and secure funding for digital initiatives.
Among the institutions covered is the National Institute of Communications of Mozambique (INCM), which is already carrying out several digital inclusion projects. The highlights include Digital Squares, Internet in Schools, Digital Libraries, Digital Television Sheds for Rural Communities, Rural Connectivity, the Expansion of the Mobile Telephone Network to Rural Areas, Sustainable Villages for Development and TV White Space. Some of these initiatives are funded by the Universal Access Service Fund (FSAU).Systemic Thinking for Digital Transformation. Photo: UNDPMozambique
(By Renaldo Manhice)