"Roots" by Alícia Ribeiro highlights mozambican culture

Mozambican artist Alícia Ribeiro is inaugurating her visual arts exhibition "Roots", which celebrates the richness of Mozambican culture, on the 8th of this month at 7pm.

The exhibition promises to enchant visitors with a diverse collection of portraits that capture the essence of African women's beauty.

"Roots" not only portrays aesthetics, but also highlights traditional cultural elements, including hairstyles, accessories and paintings. It offers a unique opportunity for Mozambicans to connect with their cultural heritage in a unique and inspiring way.

Those interested in attending the opening of the exhibition can register via the link below.

[Link to more information](https://www.oportunidadescplp.info/post/exposi%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-artes-visuais-ra%C3%ADzes-de-al%C3%ADcia-ribeiro-oportunidade-para-cidad%C3%A3os-