Disseminating messages of peace, sustainability, and cultural development for the well-being of Mozambicans is the theme of the AMANI Roadshow – EcoDaPaz tour, organized by the Project Music for All.
The initiative consists of performances of music, poetry, theater, and DJs on a mobile, self-sustaining stage. It involves the participation of local artists and the general community in the southern, central, and northern regions of the country.
For example, on the morning of this Thursday, the caravan will be at the Katembe Secondary School in Maputo, and on July 21, it will perform at the Garden of Chroniclers in the same province.
Next, the central region will witness the caravan on July 24 in Vila da Gorongosa, Sofala. After that, it will head to the north on July 27. The presentation will be at the Island of Mozambique Museum in Nampula. On the 29th of this month, "EcoDaPaz" will be heard in the Maringanha neighborhood in the city of Pemba, Cabo Delgado.
The initiative, which started in the south on July 16 at the Campus of the Pedagogical University of Maputo, is funded by the Swiss Cooperation for Development in Mozambique and is part of the Music for All, an action within the Procultura program, funded by the European Union in Mozambique, co-financed and managed by Camões Institute, including the embassies of Ireland and Switzerland, and consists of a consortium of five institutions in Maputo, Cabo Delgado, Luanda and Aveiro.
(By MozaVibe)