Fifty-four fishermen from the communities of Macaneta and Muntanhana, in the Marracuene district, Maputo Province, have decided to invest in sustainable fishing as a way to contribute to environmental preservation and improve their commercial activities. This commitment resulted from an intensive four-day training aimed at equipping local fishermen with practices that promote sustainability and conservation of fishery resources.
The workshop, themed "Improving Productive Capacities Based on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources - 4," provided participants with the necessary tools to adopt fishing methods that ensure the continuity of marine resources.
Sérgio Augusto, a fisherman from the Macaneta Fisheries Center, praised the training, highlighting the positive impact it will have on his work. "The training was extremely useful. We now know how to fish in a way that does not deplete resources. We learned the importance of allowing fish to grow before catching them, ensuring that there will always be fish available for our families and for trade," Sérgio commented.
Marta Nhaca, one of the few female participants, emphasized the importance of her presence and the value of the knowledge acquired, despite traditional barriers. "I am very happy to have participated in this training. Even as a woman, I feel more prepared and confident to contribute to sustainable fishing in our community. I learned that with the right tools and knowledge, we can all make a difference," Marta said.
Pilatos Matusse, coordinator of the Academic Center for Community Development (NADEC), highlighted the relevance of this initiative for sustainable management of fishery resources. "This project is crucial for our community as it improves the productivity of fishermen and ensures the responsible management of our natural resources. We are committed to ensuring that future generations can continue to benefit from the fishery resources of our region," Matusse declared.
The workshop was promoted by ActionAid Mozambique, in partnership with NADEC and the Andalucia Agency for Cooperation and Development, through Bosque Y Comunidad.
(By Renaldo Manhice)