After the world finally recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, the year 2023 proved to be enticing as it welcomed back the normal way of living among societies. People worldwide planned their activities with fewer restrictions.
In this path, a historical milestone marks the recently passed year. 2023 was considered the hottest on record since records began in 1850, with a global average temperature of 14.98°C, 1.48°C warmer than the pre-industrial level of 1850-1900, as reported by the European climate observatory, Copernicus.
The scenario of high temperatures is expected to persist in 2024. Moreover, in the Southern Hemisphere, a severe drought is anticipated, accompanied by the occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon.
Apart from temperatures, we can start by saying that 2024 will be longer than 2023. This is a leap year, meaning, unlike years with 365 days, 2024 will have 366 days. This also means that the month of February will have 29 days instead of 28.
In Mozambique, many activities are expected to complement what is already considered the year of renewals, jubilation, and successes. Among many, two activities are eagerly anticipated, particularly in the political arena, namely the presidential, legislative, and provincial governor elections scheduled for October.
This January, the Mambas have already been thrilled with their participation in the Africa Cup of Nations (CAN), which took place in Côte d'Ivoire, and no Mozambican was unaware of the national team's performance.
Entrepreneurship on the Internet
The internet has become vital in the business flow, facilitating commercial exchanges between different countries and continents. Changes in the job market are expected to align with the new trend of "electrifying" everything that is done. The marketplace, the digital market, will expand from one-way transactions to a relationship tool throughout the customer's lifecycle.
In the country, there are several already-established companies operating in these formats, as well as numerous individual entrepreneurs who connect to the internet to reach the masses.

Stélia da Nina, residing in the Machava-Socimol neighborhood, is a young entrepreneur in the gastronomy sector. She is in the process of establishing herself in the digital market to enhance the sale of her appetizers. For the year 2024, she hopes, "to bring new customers, have smooth and productive work." To achieve this, she acknowledges the internet's demanding audience and intends to "increase advertising on social media through word of mouth and introduce new products.”
The digital market is visual. People buy what they see. To maintain her workspace, Stélia usually "wears a cap to prevent hair from reaching the products and always keeps the workplace clean." She also pays attention to the best photo angles and the highest photographic resolution to capture the most attractive images and sell more.

Festivals to suit all tastes
In the cultural arena, for enthusiasts of Mozambican arts and culture, there is anticipation for more book releases and the promotion of literary contests by various entities. Likewise, there is an expectation for more concerts that showcase and celebrate national artists.
This February, the canhú season kicks off in Maputo province with a popular festival celebrating the battle of Marracuene or Gwaza Muthini which, as usual, has the Marrabenta Festival as one of its main attractions. Gwaza Muthini is on 2 February and the Marrabenta Festival is between 1 and 3 February.
There is already anticipation regarding the Azgo Festival, the largest music event in Mozambique, scheduled for May, and the return of the creativity and innovation festival, Maputo Fast Forward (MFF). MFF is entering a new phase as a Biennial and Academy, with the development of residencies and multidisciplinary research. The MFF is set to take place in October, featuring conferences, exhibitions, concerts, and the participation of internationally acclaimed artists, creatives, and intellectuals.

In the city of Beira, an already established annual event is the Beira Book Fair (Feira do Livro da Beira - FLIB), which has been awarding prizes to the two best books of the year since 2023. In 2024, the event is scheduled for September, and there is anticipation to find out which books will be honored with the Mia Couto Literary Prize for the best book of 2023 in the categories of Poetry and Prose. The prize is valued at 400,000 Meticais for each winner.
The year 2024 will be marked by significant changes, both on a national level and from an individual perspective, provided there is better planning, ambition, focus, and daily effort towards achieving goals.