Pedro Pereira Lopes wins Children's Literature Prize

The writer Pedro Pereira Lopes was recognized as the big winner of the second edition of the National Prize for Children's Literature, promoted by the Kulemba association. 

The announcement was made this Friday, during another International Children's Book Fair.

Pedro Pereira Lopes won the award with the book "The chameleon who had unlearned how to change color". 

The work tells the story of a chameleon who, due to deforestation, loses the ability to change color, a symbol of his sadness. 

Only when humans stop cutting down trees and start taking better care of the forest, the chameleon regains its colors, transmitting a powerful environmental message.

In addition to the winning book, four other works were in contention for the prize: "The brief history of the book that would like to be written", by Celso C. Cossa, "O desamparo das flores", by Miguel Luís, "When Marta learned to pedaling", by Eliana N'Zualo, and "O Kaio and the Panda dog", by Patrícia Vasco.

Established last year, the National Prize for Children's Literature aims to recognize and promote the best literary productions aimed at young audiences. 

The first winner was, with "Os Pintores dos Sonhos", Carlos dos Santos, who this year presided over the jury composed of Alberto da Barca and Benjamim Pedro João.

(By MozaVibe)