Knowing what subjects Mozambicans searched for the most on the biggest internet search engine, Google, can be a way of reviewing our habits, needs and, perhaps, ambitions. Knowing what else we've gone after can also make us think about the path we're on and whether there really is any effect on what we're looking for.
Looking at Google's data, we discovered that most Mozambicans searched, in general, for online betting platforms or gambling, as they are also called. But it certainly wasn't gambling they were looking for. In all likelihood, they were looking for the big time - after all, these platforms promise millions and turn players into millionaires overnight.
Among the 24 topics presented, there is also Music (9th place) and the word Translator (8th place). These indicators show that it's not just instant wealth that drives Mozambicans to search the internet. It's a passion for music, one of the most popular artistic expressions in the country. And speaking of music, one of the most searched artists on google is rapper Azagaia, with the peak between March and April and closing the year 2023, Mr Bow was high in searches.

"Mambas" is the word of the year 2023 in Mozambique
The name of the national team was chosen in the 8th edition of the PALAVRA DO ANO initiative for 2023. As such, "mambas" was the word chosen by Plural Editores. It explains:
"13 years after their last participation, the national team managed to secure their presence in the CAN (African Nations Championship), the continent's most important football competition. In this way, the Mambas' results have united our people."
In a statement, the publisher said that THE WORD OF THE YEAR "reflects the attention that Plural Editores continues to pay to words that have stood out in the media, on social networks and in online consultations of Porto Editora's dictionaries".
In previous years, the words chosen were Salaries (2022), Shiite (2021), Refugees (2020), Reconciliation (2019), Resilience (2018), Tseke (2017) and Peace (2016).