Book: 108 days of gratitude, love and forgiveness

"Everything in the universe is energy. So we too are energy and everything that makes us up is also energy. In other words, our thoughts, feelings and emotions are energy. Plants and animals are also energy, crystals, the work table, this book is energy in its most condensed form. And if we are energy, then we have a vibration and a vibrational frequency."

A higher frequency plays a crucial role in promoting well-being, as it allows individuals to align themselves with the positive energetic forces present in the universe. When you operate at a higher vibrational level, you become more in tune with your surroundings - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This connection promotes harmony within oneself and improves general well-being. In addition, a higher vibration positively influences the individual's thoughts and emotions. Vibrating at a higher level attracts positivity into a person's life, creating an environment conducive to personal growth, self-reflection, creativity, resilience and empathy.

Over more than twenty years and more than two hundred and fifty thousand calibrations, David Hawkins has created a Map of Consciousness, where he places feelings such as guilt at a vibrational frequency of 30 Hz, sadness at 75 Hz, anger at 150 Hz, acceptance at 350 Hz, Love at 500 Hz and Peace at 600 Hz. Unfortunately, the map doesn't indicate where gratitude is, but the Centre of Light in Tulsa, USA, has an article in which it places gratitude above Peace, at 900 Hz, very close to enlightenment, which is on the 700-1000 Hz scale. The justification is that to be grateful, you have to feel joy and be at peace with life.

Reaching this level of gratitude doesn't require juggling, isolation in the mountains or hours of meditation; we can feel gratitude through daily, consistent practice and experiencing the emotion. This is not to say that this manual will take you to the 900Hz level and keep you there, but rather to help you create a sustainable habit of daily practice of the gratitude process, so that you naturally look for things around you to be grateful for. In fact, the scientist and author of several books, Dr Joe Dispenza, indicates that through the daily practice of gratitude for five to ten minutes, we can have epigenetic changes in our health and body, increasing the capacity of our immune system.

The HeartMath® Institute in California, through studies carried out in the field of heart science, indicates that gratitude is one of our heart's regenerative emotions, in other words, it has the ability to help our mind, heart and emotions to enter into coherenceTM. When we are in coherence, then we raise our vibrational frequency, combating stress, anxiety, low-level depression and restoring our inner battery.

Allow me to tell you a little about my personal experience with gratitude. Because I know how important gratitude is in our lives, I've included the practice in my spiritual routine, but I have a small problem: I get tired of things very easily. It was impossible to do the same thing for more than thirty days. My brain rebelled.

Between saying it out loud and writing down what I'm grateful for, I feel a more powerful energy when I write, my vibrational frequency goes to high peaks, which I can compare to some moments of deep meditation I've experienced. That's when I decided to create my 108-day gratitude journey. That way, I could be grateful for more than three months without getting tired and repeat the practice without struggling. I chose the number 108 because it has great spiritual significance: on the one hand, it represents the universe and its entire existence, being the basis of creation; and, on the other, because I had never managed to get through two consecutive months of writing about what I'm grateful for. I used the divine to challenge my third-dimensional rationalism. After two happy, enthusiastic, grateful and joyful weeks, I decided to share it with the Anahata Community, which is a place where I teach meditation, mantras and spiritual practices. After a few months of practice, in June 2023 I received this call from the Universe to turn my 108 Days of Gratitude programme from the Anahata Community into a book. At first I refused. Doubting that it was really a call from the Universe, I was more inclined to believe that it was more my ego than my divine side. But a few days later, I woke up with a smile and the certainty that I should write and share this story. Calls from the Universe come in different forms, but always with a feeling of love and inner peace.

Dear reader, having this book in your hands is part of your calling, the universe wants you to listen to it, that's how you should read this book. Like a voice, not of Eurydice, but of the universe speaking to you through these lines. And after reading each task, listen to your heart, your soul. Silence has great power. This journey of three months and eighteen days aims not only to make you someone who looks at life from the side of gratitude, but above all to remind you that you are much more than your physical body and that there is an immense power in you that is just waiting for your attention."


Excerpt from the book 108 days of gratitude, love and forgiveness by Eurídice Szebelledi.

The author is Mozambican, living in Maputo, an integrative holistic therapist, Reiki Master, resilience mentor and meditation facilitator. She conducts individual and group therapy sessions and workshops on meditation, gratitude, energy healing, well-being and personal resilience. She made a career transition from Human Resources in 2022.

She has a degree in Metaphysical Sciences from the University of Metaphysical Sciences in the United States, a degree in Biological Sciences from Eduardo Mondlane University and a Master's degree in People Management, Management Development and Coaching from UniBF do Brasil.